



  • Product description
  • Works with

The TSD 100-1 is a universal Monopolar tube for light alloys, composites or for small to medium steel thicknesses. This light tube allows you to reach the power of 1kW. The outside diameter of the housing is smaller than 100 mm. This is the ideal solution for applications even with tiny space.

The tube shielding is internal and reduces the radiation leakage to less than 1 R/h @ 1 meter as required by International standards. In and out fluid inlets are mounted with universal connectors while the HV plug cone is a R10.

This tube can be used with all brands of generators provided that the load curves can be adapted. See our specialists if you intend to connect this tube to another unit than a BALTEAU.

  • XSD Series
  • XLD Series
  • XMD Series
  • XMLD Series
Max. High voltagekV100
Tube typeMetal Ceramic
Beam angle°40°
Cooling modeWater
HV ConnectorR10
Nominal powerW1000
Inherent fi ltrationmm0.8 Be
Target angle°20°
Cooling fl ow ratel/min.4
Max. Current @ kV Max.mA10
Focal spot (EN12543)d3.0 mm
Max. CurrentmA24

* Leakage radiation max at 1m in mSv/h at nominal kV